Bild vom Zuercher Office. Gemeinsam mit dir erkunden wir das Unbekannte, skalieren mit unserem Netzwerk und setzen Ideen in die Realität um. Willst du dir diese neuen Welten erschliessen? Dann lass uns jetzt die Expedition beginnen.
Wir fördern und fordern ehrliche und direkte Kommunikation. Nach innen und aussen. Dabei agieren wir stets kurzfristig und denken langfristig. Bei all dem bleiben wir uns selber treu. Auch unserem Humor.

Openness and critical thinking push us to new digital shores. Transparent action and open communication are at the heart of this. Together with you, we explore the unknown, scale with the help of our network and turn ideas into reality. Do you want to open up these new worlds for yourself? Then let's start this expedition now.

«None of us is as smart as all of us.»

Ken Blanchard

Bild von einem Team. Wir arbeiten interdisziplinär. Denn wir glauben an die kollaborative Intelligenz des Teams. Aus dieser Zusammenarbeit entstehen neuartige Lösungen, die uns gemeinsam weiterbringen. Dabei streben wir nach hoher Qualität bei allem und wägen alle Risiken ab. Dabei setzen wir bewusst auf Vertrauen statt auf Kontrolle.

New ideas keep us going. That's why we give innovation and experimentation plenty of room. We follow our knowledge, our instincts, new developments - and our spirit of discovering.

We encourage and demand honest and direct communication. Internally and externally. We always act fast and think in the long term. In all of this, we remain true to ourselves.

For the best solutions we like to change our perspective. We are open to new impulses and are ready to learn from them. Mistakes are part of the process and part of the development.

We work in an interdisciplinary way. Because we believe in the collaborative intelligence of the team. This collaboration results in novel solutions that bring us forward together.

We handle our responsibility with care. We strive for high quality in everything we do and weigh all risks. In doing so, we consciously rely on trust instead of control.











Coco Hess

Experience Designer, Content Director

Foto von Coco Hess - Experience Designer bei Unknown Digital, dein Spezialist für digitales Design aus Zürich. Mehr erfahren?Foto von Coco Hess - Experience Designer bei Unknown Digital, dein Spezialist für digitales Design aus Zürich. Mehr erfahren?

Passion for visual narratives: What is the use of good interactive experience if the content isn't right? Coco knows how to tell stories the right way and what it takes to produce strong content. After many years as an art director for fashion, food and lifestyle brands, the experienced designer made the transition to the digital world.

Ramon Aemmer

Experience Designer, Founder

Foto von Ramon Aemmer - Experience Designer und Co-Founder bei Unknown Digital, dein Spezialist für digitales Design aus Zürich. Mehr erfahren?Foto von Ramon Aemmer - Experience Designer und Co-Founder bei Unknown Digital, dein Spezialist für digitales Design aus Zürich. Mehr erfahren?

An eye for the extraordinary: Ramon comes from a visual communication and branding background. In recent years, he developed a flair for creative thinking and created experiences for global brands in travel and culture. Discovering the unknown everywhere drives him - even outside the studio.